Customer Testimonials

Your business is more than important to us. You are the life blood of our business and we want you to know we appreciate you very much. We strive to provide you with a complete experience from product selection to tailored solutions for your business.

So that we may find ways to improve our service to you, you can help by providing us with your feedback.

Baxter Clean Care

Here are a few things some of our customers are saying.
Allen C.
Buckner Westminster Place
“James provided great customer service. He delivered and restocked inventory of our ordered items on his own initiative, saving us time and that helps us give more time to our residents. Thank you!”

Kelly W.
Former Director of Maintenance Services
Lufkin ISD
“In 2014-2015 School Year, Lufkin ISD, partnered with Baxter Clean Care as our custodial supplies company. In that year, Baxter Clean Care assisted Lufkin ISD thru teamwork, open communication, and honesty to save the district $700,000.00 in reducing salaries, overtime and supplies cost. This was accomplished by Baxter Clean Care in leading the district in modernizing cleaning procedures, cost savings in controlling inventory and with modernization, not having to fill vacant positions. Without this partnership with Baxter Clean Care, Lufkin ISD would still be in the Dark Ages in cleaning procedures and over budget. Thanks Baxter Clean Care”

Thomas N.
Plant Operations Supervisor
Watkins-Logan Texas State Veterans Home
“Greetings, I would like to take a moment to recognize one of your team members. Grant Malone came by several times and I finally decided to give him a chance at our business. Since then he has responded immediately to all our requests and has provided excellent customer service in every aspect. His “can do” attitude and friendly nature is a credit to himself and Baxter Sales. Thank you!!”

Jon C.
Lufkin ISD
“Thanks Ocha, I got it and sent it on to the major powers, you guy’s are great.”

Mary M.
Metroport Cities Fellowship
“Tony is great on his deliveries. He is always so pleasant and helpful and willing to do anything to help!!!”

Debbie S.
Marshall Convention Center
Marshall, Texas
“I would like to take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to Grant Malone for an excellent job that he does for us at the Marshall Convention Center. Since meeting Grant about 2 years ago, he has gone above and beyond what most sales representatives would do in order for the Convention Center to continue to function. On more than one occasion Grant has taken care of my last minute janitorial orders, and he has brought my order to me when we have been in serious binds.”

Carol W.
Copeland Group
Longview, Texas
“Terry is the best sales rep we have calling on Copeland. He has helped us out so much. Just wanted you to know we appreciate him.”

Amber M.
American Federal Contractors
Mayhill, New Mexico
“Thank you Ocha! The entire ordering process with Baxter has been such a breeze compared to other vendors we use regularly that I hope to place many more orders from you in the future.”

Jerry P.
Facilities Coordinator Terrell ISD
Terrell, Texas
“Billy, Please send this to all who need to know this.I want to say thank you for what Jeff does for me, not only with fixing my machines, but, also for the extra mile he goes to make sure I, as well as my custodians, understand what they need to do to maintain them. He came out and spoke to my leads and really hit hard the responsibility they have in keeping them maintained. He did come out on a Saturday a couple weeks ago on his way to another project, not because he had to, but, I feel like he really cares about what he does. It’s not really your products that keep me as your customers, it is the service I get from you and people like Jeff. I don’t know what I can do for him other than a thank you, but, I felt like I should pass it on so you can express that as well. Thanks so much for what your company does to make us a success here at TISD.”

East Texas Regional Distribution Center:
Servicing Longview, Tyler, and Paris

114 E. Niblick
Longview, TX 75604
Phone: 903-759-2796
Fax: 903-759-8110

J P Gould Baxter/BRW
Servicing Dallas and Ft. Worth

1800 Kelly Blvd
Carrollton, TX 75006
Phone: 972-329-0022
Fax: 972-329-0263

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